Politica de envios
Depending on what warehouse your order is fulfilled from, we generally use UPS Ground, FedEx Ground / Home Delivery, and USPS Priority Mail. Because we have multiple warehouses, orders with more than one item may be shipped separately. Also, orders with more than one quantity may be shipped separately. Most orders are shipped within 24-48 hours from when you place your order. There are some items that may have a lead time and/or need assembling and may require additional time to ship. Shipments to P.O. Boxes and APO/FPO addresses will ship via the United States Postal Service (USPS) if available.
You can always reply to your order confirmation email and upgrade your shipping or let us know when you need to receive your item by. For requests to get there by a certain date, we cannot guarantee it, but a request will be made to the appropriate warehouse. Next Day Saturday delivery may be available depending on your destination. You authorize any additional charges for any expedited shipping requests. Please call or email us for rates if you require knowing the price before the shipment goes out. For orders placed on business days before 3:00PM Eastern Standard Time, every attempt will be made to ship the same day. Please note that transit times do not include weekends.
Since we are a wholesale site, shipping costs will be emailed back to you after an order is placed. Shipping charges must be paid to submit your order for processing. Shipping fees must be paid as we do not bundle that into the price of the item like traditional retail websites. Please note we do not allow cancelling orders for nonpayment of shipping fees.
• All orders must be paid in advance.
Please make sure that you provide a correct address, or you may incur address correction charges or reshipment charges. Please also make sure to accept the package when delivery it attempted because if it gets returned to sender, you will be responsible for the actual reshipping fees. You authorize any additional charges under these circumstances.
We highly suggest selecting insured shipping at checkout which automatically protects every shipment if it were lost, and/or damaged in transit up to the value of the item. It is a small fee for peace of mind. Please note we will not hold any responsibility for any type of loss during shipment if you do not select the insured shipping option and no refunds will be given. If you did purchase the insured shipping and there is a problem with your shipment, please immediately let us know if this happens and we will start the claim.
We will charge sales to tax any shipping destination in CA. Sales tax is estimated, and you may be responsible if we incorrectly charged your sales tax amount.
Please be advised that we are located and incorporated in CA and only collect sales tax to residents of CA. If you live in another state, we recommend that speak to your tax advisor to see what your reporting requirements are for out of state purchases.
If you have any tax exemption, and/or resale certificates which state you do not need to pay sales tax, please reply to it with your order confirmation to have it removed when we provide your shipping estimate.
International clients are more than welcome to place wholesale orders on our website.
You may select UPS, FedEx or the US Postal Service as your shipping carrier. We strongly recommend UPS or FedEx as they are more secure and provide a tracking number. UPS, USPS, or FedEx will charge additional taxes and duty fees upon delivery which you will be held responsible for. Please note we do not take any responsibility and will not provide any refunds at all for any issues with international shipments and we highly suggest purchasing the Route Shipping Protection just in case of loss, theft, or arriving damaged. International shipments are occasionally delayed at Customs and they are more likely to get lost in transit. Route Shipping Protection is optional and highly suggested. No refunds will be granted if your order gets lost, held by customs, and/or your insurance claim is denied. If you did purchase the Route Shipping Protection and there is a problem with your shipment, please file a claim here at https://claims.route.com if this happens.
International orders may take up to 24-48 hours to process if order is in stock. The customer is responsible for all tax, custom charges and wire transfer fees. If you refuse the package at customs or you fail to pick up your shipment and it is returned to us, you will not be refunded for the original shipping charges, you will be responsible for any return shipping charges, and you will be charged a 25% restocking fee.
We try to be as accurate as possible with the availability listed of items listed on the item page. This is an average time it takes for an item to ship out. This is not guaranteed. Sometimes it can take longer than stated and sometimes it can be sooner than stated.
Please note we reserve the right to ship to the billing address even if it is different than the shipping address.